How Much to Fill a Cupcake for Perfect Baking?

How Much to Fill a Cupcake for Perfect Baking?

These bite-sized delights are so much fun to bake and eat. But if the cupcake tin isn’t filled evenly, the cupcakes won’t cook evenly. So, you might end up with raw batter. And if there is too much batter in the pan, it will rise much higher while baking.

So, how much to fill a cupcake? The rule of thumb here is to fill two third of the cupcake tin. If you are baking a standard-sized cupcake, it will need three to four tablespoons of batter. You can adjust the amount depending on the size of the cupcake.

Learn every little detail you need to bake perfect cupcakes from this article.

How Much to Fill a Cupcake Tin?

Once the tin is lined with baking paper, you have to fill about two third of the cavity. This is because the batter needs enough space to rise while baking. Thus, to get that perfect dome when the cupcake is baked, you need to be careful while filling the cupcake tin.

So the required amount of batter varies based on what sized cupcakes you are baking. Gluten-free cupcakes might require a slightly different amount1Carolina Gomez & Jhoana Colina (2019, July). Formulation of gluten-free cupcake with hydrocolloids for people with Celiac disease. ResearchGate. Retrieved January 9, 2023, from Here is a standard-size guide.

Mini Cupcakes

Mini Cupcakes

Regardless of the size of the cupcakes, the filling ratio in cupcake tins will be the same. But for mini cupcakes, you might need to fill each cavity with one and a half tablespoons of batter.

Regular Cupcakes

Regular Cupcakes
Regular Cupcakes

This is the most common size of a cupcake. These tins typically take about three to four tablespoons of batter. As the tin size may slightly vary, you need to check the amount visually.

Jumbo Cupcakes

These cupcakes are about the size of a standard cup. So, you need at least two third cups of batter to make jumbo cupcakes. In some cases, you might need slightly more or less batter.

Jumbo Cupcakes

Different Ways to Fill a Cupcake

Cupcakes or muffin tins can be filled with batter in various ways. Depending on the consistency of the batter, you might want to use a tablespoon or piping bag to fill the cupcake tin. Here are four ways of filling a cupcake tin. Use whatever you find convenient.

1. Using a Tablespoon

This method is suitable if the batter has a thin to medium consistency. You can easily take the batter with a clean tablespoon and fill the cupcake tin. Scraping off the excess is important because it impacts the overall quantity of the batter.

2. Using a Measuring Cup

If you are too confused about how much to fill a cupcake, using a measuring cup can be a convenient solution. In this case, you can either use a tablespoon size measuring cup and repeat filling three or four times.

But if you use a full cup size,  take one-fourth cup of batter to fill the tin. It equals four tablespoons of batter. Also, this method is useful if the batter has a low to medium consistency.

3. Using an Ice Cream Scoop

Using an Ice Cream Scoop

When the batter has a medium to a thick consistency, using an ice cream scoop is the most convenient way of filing cupcake tins. It is better to have the right-sized scoop because you can fill the cupcake in one go. If the size isn’t right, you might need to repeat the process for one cupcake.

Simply scoop the batter and fill the cupcake tin. It helps you get the perfect dome every time.

4. Using Piping Bags

Using Piping Bags

Though piping bags are mostly used to decorate cupcakes, you can use them to fill the tin with batter. If the batter consistency is on the thicker side, you can follow this method. Fill the bag and squeeze it to compact the batter. Cut a small hole at the tip of the bag.

Then, you can squeeze the bag to drop the right amount of batter into the tin every time. Be careful not to put too much pressure on the bag.

Why Filling the Right Amount of Cupcakes Is Important?

How much you fill the cupcake tin determines how the cupcakes will come out after baking. If you fill the tin completely, the batter will overflow while baking. Different batters can rise by different amounts.

And when the overflown batter sticks to the tin, it may be difficult to remove the cupcakes from the tin. Thus, when the amount of batter is too low, cupcakes won’t have that perfectly shaped dome at the top.

Moreover, when you remove the cupcakes from the tin, they will shrink while cooling. So, it is crucial to fill the right amount of batter into the tin.

Tips to Fill a Cupcake

Follow these expert tips to fill the cupcake pan perfectly.

  • Good quality cupcake liners should be used to remove cupcakes easily
  • If you don’t use liners, lightly grease the pan before filling the batter
  • It is better to try with a small amount first. If needed, you can refill the pan. But if you fill too much, it is difficult to remove excess batter


Filling the cupcake tin correctly is important to avoid mess and make perfectly shaped cupcakes. But many beginners struggle with how much to fill a cupcake. Three to four tablespoons of batter is the right amount for standard cupcakes.

However, you can adjust the amount depending on how big or small you want the cupcakes. And choose a convenient way of filling the batter into the pan so that you need less repetition. We hope this guide helps you throughout the process.


Check the answers to some frequently asked questions about filling cupcakes.

Should cupcake batter be thick or thin?

It depends on the recipes. If you use thin batters, the cupcakes will be fluffier. Thick batters make dense cupcakes.

What is the cleanest way of filling cupcakes?

Using an ice cream scoop with a spring mechanism lets you cleanly drop the batter into the pan. So, it creates the least mess.

Should I use one or two cupcake liners?

Using one cupcake liner is enough. But if you use two-liners, removing cupcakes will be much easier when they are baked.

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  • 1
    Carolina Gomez & Jhoana Colina (2019, July). Formulation of gluten-free cupcake with hydrocolloids for people with Celiac disease. ResearchGate. Retrieved January 9, 2023, from

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